My Hero Academia Chapter 364: Leaked Online, Time, Plot, Spoilers, Release Date, Story & Facts – So this chapter leads to an extreme turn of events that ultimately leads to Baku go coming back to life, or at least it appears that way. Obviously, this is something that I myself and many others wanted but considering the circumstances around what’s happening here, it seems to have split the community, or for the most part, I don’t know if it literally has.

I mean there’s obviously a lot of outrage on social media but you know, when isn’t there and sometimes like a vocal minority can seem a lot louder than they actually are. So I’m not really sure how split people are on this but I can totally see why a lot of people have major issues with what’s going on here.

My Hero Academia Chapter 364 Wiki

So let me explain what happened and then we’ll talk about it just to catch you up to speed when Bronco was fighting against Chigasaki slash All for one and it eventually got to the point where his heart like got pierced and this like straight up killed him because afterward best genius is standing over him and he’s like this can’t be any pulse his heart is ravaged and even sugar Aki fresh off the one is like this time he’s truly dead.

So yeah, if I go die and he’s been dead for like two chapters, at least up until this one but also in the previous My Hero Academia Chapter 363 we see the best genius like standing over him and activating his quirk by you know, manipulating the denim that he’s wearing and coming into this My Hero Academia Chapter 364 we see that he’s doing something like I kind of joked in my previous review that he was going to like repair fogless heart with like denim or something, but it’s like is he actually trying to do that here like what are you doing best genius get that stuff out of his heart. It’s dirty.

My Hero Academia Chapter 364 Release Date & Time

My Hero Academia Chapter 364 Release Date28 August 2022
MHA Chapter 364 Release Timing12:00 AM JST
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Hey, Also guys, if you like my hero content, please subscribe if you haven’t already. It’s fine if you don’t want to, but if you just need a reminder, here you go. Thanks. But that also went into another speculation that we had about how Bahco could potentially be saved here just more so by the best genius because the best genius is the fiber master and he can manipulate any five which means in theory he could manipulate like the muscle fibers or the collagen fibers and boxes those hard and save them that way.

And I know that’s problematic, but it is battle manga after all the little that I know I was severely underestimating Horikoshi and how far he was going to push it’s just battle manga here because edge shot starts walking up to Baku go and past genus and he says that’s right. I’m a ninja hero that could sneak anywhere.

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My Hero Academia Chapter 364 Spoilers Leaked on Reddit, Twitter

I’ve crept into so many bodies that I’m familiar with it all and that’s very much true if we go all the way back to My Hero Academia Chapter 88 You know at the Camino raid when they were initially trying to save Bob Clow coincidentally and shot like disabled Karo Giri immediately Magne was like I couldn’t see whatever that was Is he dead and Ed shock coming out of Calgary was like nope just unconscious I fiddled around with his insides.

So yeah, I guess this means that Ed shot is like a master search and at this point, just from years of experience being a hero and using his quirk to go in people and fiddle around and stuff going further he’s like I had shot Shall Not Accept this that stopped hard is a life we cannot afford to lose we could still make it I’ll fill in for whatever he’s lacking and move for him the best genus is like CAMI hora.

You can’t come back from this and then add shot says so then I’ll leave the rest to you President Hakuna Matata and then in the final panel we see him start to like spaghettified himself where he’s using maybe his ultimate ability just called Ninpo 1000 sheep Pierce extreme and he says I’ll become his heart so yeah, that’s how bak ago is coming back to life here and shot is literally going to become his heart.

And it’s like okay, I didn’t see this coming, and considering that like I’m such a big fan of Bob who go this doesn’t really bother me that much simply because I just want him to come back to life pretty much at any cost even at the cost of the story necessarily making sense and even losing a character as a result so like I’ll kind of just let it slide at this point.

MHA 364 Released Date, Timing, Schedule & Story

But I will acknowledge that this is like really out there and probably unnecessary right now I don’t necessarily think it’s too far-fetched to think that Ed shot can do this in general just the 1000 sheep Pierce extreme where he likes spaghettified himself that seems you know within his wheelhouse I guess but him becoming the heart of Bahu though, is obviously a little extreme since we never had any kind of idea or it was never foreshadowed that he could do something like this so maybe he necessarily isn’t exclusively able to perform this procedure.

Because the way that he’s talking about genius here with so then I’ll leave the rest to you maybe that doesn’t necessarily just mean like you know being the leader on the battlefield here or whatever but maybe best genius is like going to manipulate edge shot here since he’s becoming like all these strands maybe this genius is going to manipulate his muscle fibers and then like surgically repair by the Go that way because you know why not? At this point, we’re just so far gone that just anything at all.

My Hero Academia Chapter 364 Plot, Twist & Backstory

It doesn’t matter that Bosco has been dead for two My Hero Academia MHA chapters and who knows how long that’s been in real-time, you know, the lack of oxygen to bog those brains seemingly would cause brain damage, maybe irreversible but you know, let’s just forget about that This is Battle manga things are different. And that being said, this like completely raised the stakes, is this bad writing? And I’ll say, I don’t know. It’s kind of somewhere in between.

Do I think this is kind of sloppy and could it have been handled better? Yes, but there’s also a part of me that likes the pop Enos of this because it is very accessible. Like, not everybody reading this is a hardcore fan. Of course, I think more so the majority of the casuals, once they see this in the anime will probably really enjoy this sequence.

My Hero Academia 364 Full Summary

And that’s ultimately the only thing that matters. So again, I’m fine with it, because there’s a part of me that really enjoys pop and accessibility, but also bringing a balance so that people that are really into things not necessarily the hardcore psychos but just you know, hardcore that isn’t psychos can both enjoy which is difficult to achieve, of course, but that’s another reason why I just like Battle manga in general because I think it strikes that nice little balance, but sometimes I’m totally on board with things go a little too Poppy, because I don’t know I kind of like the recklessness of it.

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My Hero Academia Chapter 364 Recap [Ending Explained]

Now. Also, yesterday, I was tagged a lot with this comparison image here, which he said shot being compared to the future version of Baku go that endeavor envisions in MHA chapter 357. Now, I already went over this in my 357 reviews, of course, but at the time, I didn’t really know what to make of their appearances. I was more so focusing on Shoto and Zuku. But if you look here, Baku go has edge shots, tassels coming out of the back of his head.

And I guess this answers the question that we had coming out of that panel, and it was like, Is this a legitimate look into the future? Or is this kind of just like some kind of vision that endeavor haves? That doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s literally going to happen. I guess it is because another thing that I mentioned going over this panel is that it’s to articulated like why would endeavor be envisioning things like seeing Shoto with a different haircut Izuku with a new cape, it’ll pop go with the tassels Kaminari with like his new outfit.

About My Hero Academia Manga Series

So I guess it means that this is like a legitimate glimpse of the future and that Bosco is going to survive here. And of course, realize that AED shock gave his life to become his heart so that he’s going to you know, the where the tassels in tribute, but also this means that he Suku is going to get the new stitched on Cape, of course, and also that all of these characters are going to survive, meaning that the stakes are nearly nonexistent at this point.

And maybe Horikoshi didn’t necessarily intend for us to go back and look at this and observe it as being the literal future but I guess this means that it is I certainly hope not, and not that I necessarily want any of these characters to die, but I would at least like to know that there’s a chance they could, especially Zuku I thought there was a chance that he was going to give his life at the end of the story to save everyone but now I guess that’s just off the table. But yeah, that’s pretty much it for this My Hero Academia Chapter 364 Spoilers, Release Date, and time.

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