Call Of The Night Chapter 192:- Call of the Night is a popular manga series by Kotoyama, which follows the story of Kou Yamori, a middle school student who suffers from insomnia and meets Nazuna Nanakusa, a mysterious girl who claims to be a vampire. The manga is a romantic comedy with supernatural elements and has been serialized in Shounen Sunday magazine since August 2019. The manga has also been licensed by Viz Media for an English release and has received positive reviews from fans and critics alike.

The latest chapter of Call of the Night, chapter 191, was released on November 7, 2023, and it left the readers with a cliffhanger, as Kou and Nazuna decided to leave their town and start a new life together, while their friends and family tried to stop them. The chapter also revealed that Nazuna’s father, who is also a vampire, was behind the attacks on Kou and his friends, and that he had a sinister plan for his daughter and her lover.

So, when will the next chapter of Call of the Night, chapter 192, be released? What will happen to Kou and Nazuna as they try to escape from their pursuers? Will they be able to find happiness and peace in their new destination? And what is Nazuna’s father’s true motive for wanting to capture them? Here is everything you need to know about Call of the Night chapter 192, including its release date, time zone, countdown, spoiler, English spoiler, raw scan, recap, and where to read.

Release Date

Call of the Night chapter 192 is scheduled to be released on November 14, 2023, according to the official website of Shounen Sunday. The manga is usually released on a weekly basis, every Sunday, unless there is a break or a delay due to some reason. However, the release date may vary depending on your time zone, as explained below.

Time Zones

Call of the Night chapter 192 will be released at 12:00 AM JST (Japan Standard Time) on November 14, 2023. However, the time zone of your location may differ from JST, so you may need to adjust the time accordingly. Here are some of the time zones and their corresponding release times for Call of the Night chapter 192:

  • PST (Pacific Standard Time): 7:00 AM on November 13, 2023
  • CST (Central Standard Time): 9:00 AM on November 13, 2023
  • EST (Eastern Standard Time): 10:00 AM on November 13, 2023
  • GMT (Greenwich Mean Time): 3:00 PM on November 13, 2023
  • IST (Indian Standard Time): 8:30 PM on November 13, 2023
  • AEDT (Australian Eastern Daylight Time): 2:00 AM on November 14, 2023

See Also:- Call Of The Night Chapter 193 Spoiler

Reddit Spoiler for Call Of The Night Chapter 192

A spoiler is a piece of information that reveals some plot details or events that have not yet been officially released. Some fans like to read spoilers to get a glimpse of what will happen next, while others prefer to avoid them to enjoy the surprise and suspense. If you are one of the former, then you may be interested in reading the spoiler for Call of the Night chapter 192, which is based on the raw scan of the chapter.

The spoiler for Call of the Night chapter 192 is as follows:

  • Kou and Nazuna manage to board a train and leave their town, but they are not safe yet, as Nazuna’s father and his minions are still after them.
  • Nazuna’s father contacts Kou’s mother and tells her that he will spare Kou’s life if she tells him where they are going. He also reveals that he is Nazuna’s biological father and that he wants to use her blood to create more vampires.
  • Kou’s mother is shocked and terrified by this revelation, and she tries to call Kou to warn him, but he does not answer his phone. She then decides to go after them herself and asks Kou’s friends to help her.
  • Meanwhile, Kou and Nazuna arrive at their destination, which is a small town near the sea. They find a cheap hotel to stay in, and they decide to enjoy their time together as much as they can before they are found by their enemies.
  • They go to the beach, eat ice cream, watch the sunset, and share their feelings and dreams with each other. They also kiss and hug, and express their love for each other.
  • However, their happiness is short-lived, as Nazuna’s father and his minions catch up with them, and surround them at the hotel. They demand that Nazuna comes with them, and threaten to kill Kou if she refuses.
  • Kou and Nazuna are cornered and outnumbered, and they have no choice but to fight back. They use their vampire powers and their wits to fend off their attackers, but they are soon overwhelmed by their superior strength and numbers.
  • As they are about to be captured, Kou’s mother and his friends arrive at the scene, and join the battle. They try to help Kou and Nazuna escape, but they are also in danger of being killed or turned into vampires.
  • The chapter ends with a cliffhanger, as Kou and Nazuna are separated by their enemies, and Kou’s mother is bitten by Nazuna’s father.

English Spoiler Release Date

An English spoiler is a translated version of the original spoiler, which is usually written in Japanese. Some fans who cannot read Japanese may prefer to read the English spoiler, which is more accessible and understandable for them. However, the English spoiler may not be accurate or reliable, as it may contain errors or mistranslations. Therefore, it is advisable to wait for the official English release of the chapter, which will be more faithful and clear. The English Spoiler release date is 11 November 2023.

Where to Read This Manga Online?

If you want to read Call of the Night Chapter 192 online, you have several options to choose from. Here are some of the official and legal sources where you can read the latest chapter of the manga, as well as the previous chapters, in English:

  • Viz Media: Viz Media is the official publisher of Call of the Night in English, and it has released the first six volumes of the manga in print and digital formats. You can also read the latest three chapters of the manga for free on their website or app, which are updated every week. You can also subscribe to their Shonen Jump membership for $1.99 per month, which gives you access to their entire catalog of manga, including Call of the Night and many other popular titles.
  • Manga Plus: Manga Plus is a free online platform that provides the latest chapters of the manga from Shueisha, the original Japanese publisher of Call of the Night. You can read the latest three chapters of the manga for free on their website or app, which are updated every week. You can also read the first and the latest chapters of many other manga series on Manga Plus, as well as some exclusive titles that are not available elsewhere.
  • Yofukashi Manga: Yofukashi Manga is a fan-made website that provides high-quality scans of Call of the Night manga online. You can read all the chapters of the manga for free on their website, which are updated regularly. However, this website is not an official or legal source, and it may contain errors or spoilers. Therefore, we do not recommend or support the use of this website, and we urge you to read the manga from the official and legal sources mentioned above.

Raw Scan Release Date

A raw scan is an unedited and untranslated version of the manga chapter, which is usually scanned and uploaded by some fans or leakers online. A raw scan is usually of low quality and in Japanese, and it may contain spoilers or errors. Some fans may want to read the raw scan to get an early glimpse of the chapter, but it is not recommended, as it may ruin the reading experience and harm the manga industry. It is better to wait for the official release of the chapter, which will be of high quality and in your preferred language.

The raw scan for Call of the Night chapter 192 is expected to be available online a few days before the official release date, around November 11 2023. However, we do not support or promote the use of illegal or unofficial sources to read the manga, and we urge you to read the manga from the official and legal sources, which are listed below.

Recap of Previous Chapter 191

A recap is a summary of the previous chapter of the manga, which helps the readers to refresh their memory and catch up with the story. A recap is useful for those who have missed or forgotten some details or events that happened in the previous chapter, or for those who want to review the plot and the characters before reading the next chapter. Here is a brief recap of Call of the Night chapter 191:

  • Kou and Nazuna decide to leave their town and start a new life together, as they are tired of hiding and running from their enemies. They pack their bags and sneak out
  • They leave a note for Kou’s mother, telling her that they are sorry and that they love her, and that they hope she will understand and forgive them someday.
  • They also leave a note for their friends, thanking them for their support and friendship, and asking them to take care of themselves and each other.
  • They take a taxi to the train station, and buy tickets to a faraway place that they have never been to before. They hope to find a new home and a new life there, where they can be free and happy.
  • However, their plan is not as easy as they think, as they are still being hunted by Nazuna’s father and his minions, who are determined to capture them and use them for their evil purposes.
  • Nazuna’s father is a powerful and ruthless vampire, who wants to create an army of vampires using Nazuna’s blood, which has a special property that allows anyone who drinks it to become a vampire without any side effects.

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