One of the most intriguing seasons of all time, Ink Master Season 13 was meant to be iconic. Named “Ink Master: Turf War,” the show was lined up for an excellent season. Several contestants came and participated to secure their position in the final three. It was Bob Jones, Jimmy Snaz, and Angel Rose who won the final three spots and they were ready to battle it out in the ring to win the ultimate title.

But with the sudden interruption, the show ended up cut short. So, was there any winner for Ink Master Season 13? If yes, who was it? We have the details that you might have been searching for online thoroughly.

Who Won Ink Master Season 13?

Fans were enjoying the show and so were the finalists thrilled to put on their A-game. However, things didn’t go as planned for the finalists. The three finalists Angel Rose, Jimmy Snaz and Bob Jones were extremely talented and they wanted to showcase their talent. Everything was ready to be shown to the world but in the end, Ink Master Season 13 was about to declare its ultimate winner. 

But the team had to meet a sad reality with the Coronavirus pandemic disrupting all of their plans. The tattoo masters who were looking forward to winning the battle and getting the prestigious title had to leave at the last leg of the competition.

Paramount Plus announced on their Tuesday post,

“Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, governmental orders to stay home, and for the safety of the artists, judges, canvases and crew, the Ink Master: Turf War finale cannot move forward,”

“Ink Master applauds the talented artists who fought their way to the top 3. Since we are unable to crown an Ink Master, each of the finalists will receive a cash prize.”

So yes, the show ended without having a winner and the three finalists were left without winning the title. 

For the prize amount, the cash prize allocated for the winner was equally divided between the three celebrated finalists. 

Ink Master Season 13 premiered back in January 2020. It had Dave Navarro for the role of the host, whereas Chris Nunez and Oliver Peck were judges. This season was quite chaotic since Peck had to leave the franchise after the audiences discovered blackface photos of him online. So, it was a pretty tumultuous situation and fans had to choose if they wanted him as a judge or just called it quit for him. Undoubtedly, Ink Master Season 13 has made history in its own way.

Bob Jones Clarifies The Reason Why Virtual Judging Wasn’t Possible In “ink Master”

The Ink Master Season 13 fans weren’t taking it well for obvious reasons. Since the finale was canceled after such a long run, the fans wanted to see the absolute end, which is the winner of the show. One major complaint that the fans had was that the creators could have enabled virtual judging. Now, there is a reason for it.  

The three finalists have already finished with their chest and back pieces on the selected canvas. Only the results were awaited. So, fans were questioning the fact that virtual judging wasn’t acceptable for this show. Many angry fans were questioning the decision of the creators.

So, Bob took it upon himself to explain it thoroughly. He explained in one of his Instagram posts that the judges couldn’t eliminate any particular style, watching virtually since each contestant had shown different styles and that also in different body parts. Besides, the tattoo artists even didn’t do certain styles as they were saving it for sensitive parts like thighs for giving their best shot at the last.

Thus, the decision wouldn’t have been at all fair if the styles weren’t shown in person. It would be hard to determine the winner just by watching it virtually. Any webcam or photos wouldn’t have justified the actual value of the piece.

But fans still disagreed with the fact and said that they should have been the ones to vote for the final winner in this case. Bob still remained true to the claim that it would have been the “most unfair way of settling things” 

On the other hand, some contestants said that they could have just postponed the finale for the sake of authenticity. Well, that would have been a problem since the next season was also on the line for production after the pandemic situation was sorted and this could have created a problem. 

Thus, Ink Master Season 13 did have an abrupt end, fans were disappointed but the contestants had their fair share of struggles. After such a roller coaster ride, we hope that the latest season comes out successful.

this is all about ” Ink Master Season 13 Winner”. hoping from our side this information is helpful for you.  stay tuned for more updates Venturejolt.
